Google Hex, RGB, Pantone and CMYK Color Codes HTML CSS
Google Brand Colors
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Color Name: Royalblue
PANTONE: PMS 660 C Hex: #4285F4
RGB: rgb(66, 133, 244)
CMYK: device-cmyk(73% 45% 0% 4%)
Color Name: Chocolate
PANTONE: PMS 7619 C Hex: #DB4437
RGB: rgb(219, 68, 55)
CMYK: device-cmyk(0% 69% 75% 14%)
Color Name: Orange
PANTONE: PMS 123 C Hex: #F4B400
RGB: rgb(244, 180, 0)
CMYK: device-cmyk(0% 26% 100% 4%)
Color Name: Seagreen
PANTONE: PMS 7724 C Hex: #0F9D58
RGB: rgb(15, 157, 88)
CMYK: device-cmyk(90% 0% 44% 38%)